Nietzsche and metaphor by sarah kofman, 9780804721868, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. This article examines sarah kofman s interpretation of nietzsche in light of the. Thoroughly familiar not only with the history ofwestern philosophy but also with contemporary feminist thought and with. Sarah kofman held the chair of philosophy at the university of paris i. Request pdf sarah kofman sarah kofman 193494 was a french. This paintings is an exam of 4 fictional texts on which freud himself wrote. Sarah kofman books list of books by author sarah kofman. Woman in freuds writings cornell paperbacks, and more on. Her first book, nietzsche and metaphor, was her dissertation focused on deconstructing metaphor, specifically, of.
Sarah kofmans corpus tina chanter, pleshette dearmitt this groundbreaking collection sketches a portrait of sarah kofman 19341994, the brilliant french feminist philosopher and author of more than two dozen books on an impressive range of topics and figures in philosophy, literature, psychoanalysis, aesthetics, and feminism. Woman in freuds writings 1985, freud and fiction 1991, and nietzsche and metaphor stanford, 1994. Columbia university press, 1988 main library 1 bf 175 edith kurzweil and william phillips, literature and psychoanalysis, new york, guildford. The holocaust, the study of philosophy and the undergoing of analysisall three profoundly marked the course of sarah kofmans life and are what link the texts that she authored. In leonardo da vinci and a memory of his childhood, sigmund freud analysed da vincis. Books go search best sellers gift ideas new releases. Pages in category books by sigmund freud the following 15 pages are in this category, out of 15 total. Nietzsche and metaphor sarah kofman translated by duncan. Sarah kofman 19341994 was a french philosopher, born in paris. Will straw is associate professor in the graduate program in communications at mcgill university. In fact, it might be said that from her booklength studies of nietz. Kofmans attention to metaphor was not unique at the time, for derridas white mythology, appeared within the same 1971 issue of poetique as did kofmans first draft of nietzsche and metaphor, as duncan large, the translator, notes in his introduction.
Kofman was the author of numerous books, including several on friedrich nietzsche and sigmund freud. Selected writings sarah kofman edited by thomas albrecht with. Books go search buy again your store deals store gift. Freud and fiction hardcover march 12, 1991 by sarah kofman author. Sarah kofman 19341994, professor of philosophy at the sorbonne in paris and the author of over twenty books, was one of the most significant postwar thinkers in france. Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind, especially involving the mechanism of repression. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Sarah kofman, the childhood of art, an interpretation of freuds aesthetics, european perspectives. This work is an examination of four fictional texts on which freud himse. Woman in freuds writings, published in catherine porters translation by cornell. Sarah kofman and film theory by nasrullah mambrol on august 7, 2018 1 a lady vanishes. The ancient tale of the loss of perfection, both in nature and in human form, is spelled out in slow detail by a man who suffered from blindness by age 43. Sarah kofmans corpus tina chanter, pleshette dearmitt. Freud and fiction sarah kofman this work is an examination of four fictional texts on which freud himself wrote.
Developing work on nietzsche undertaken by derrida and the poststructuralists, kofman shows how nietzsches style influences his ideas and how these ideas are to be. This book is an anthology of some of kofmans most significant writings on these. Yet she repeatedly denied that her autobiography could be found anywhere other than in her most. Sarah kofmans philosophical works currently available in english are. Smothered words by sarah kofman sarah kofman wrote nearly thirty books between 1970 and her suicide in 1994. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Kofman, a french philosopher and the author of freud and fiction and nietzsche and metaphor, began this recollection of her childhood years during the occupation of paris in january 1943. Sigmund freudkey figure in the making of consumer culture, deft architect of his own myth, modern playthingspent a fair amount of his career exploring the. Kofmans scholarship was wideranging and included work on freud and psycho. Collected papers, volume 4, translated under the supervision of joan riviere, by arrangement with the hogarth press, ltd and the institute of psychoanalysis, london. Selected writings sarah kofman edited by thomas albrecht. It provides an unusual reading of nietzsches ideas particularly of the central concept of will to power and an incisive method for investigating his style.
Sarah kofmans freud and fiction pdf openemis book archive. Sarah kofmans nietzsche and metaphor thought trajectories. September 14, 1934 october 15, 1994 was a french philosopher, born in paris. Kofman began her teaching career in toulouse in 1960 at the lycee saintsernin fr, and worked with both jean hyppolite and gilles deleuze.
What freud said about writing fiction the atlantic. Sarah kofman and film theory literary theory and criticism. Sarah kofman taught at the sorbonne and was the author of numerous books, including the enigma of woman. Her most recent book to appear in english is freud and fiction. Sarah kofmans memoir rue ordener, rue labat, originally published in french in 1994 and in english translation under the same title in 1996, is an account of the effect on her life of the deportation of her father, a parisian rabbi maybe all my books have been detours required to bring me to write about that, she says at the start of. Buy freud and fiction by kofman, sarah, wykes, sarah isbn. For sarah kofman, on rue ordener, rue labat in the generous dedication that she scripted for me in the space below the words rue ordener, rue labat on the titlepage of one of the last books she saw published in her life paris, galil6e, 1994, sarah kofman calls her creation ce recit autobiographique qui jespere te touchera. Moreover, as a writer for whom nietzsche and freud were dominant influ. Sarah kofman is professor of philosophy at the university of paris i.
Woman in freuds writings, both published by cornell. See all books authored by sarah kofman, including rue ordener, rue labat stages series, v. Kofmans scholarship was wideranging and included work on freud and psychoanalysis, nietzsche, feminism and the role of women in western philosophy, visual art, and literature. In one of his letters sigmund freud has named this book one of his favorites. Catherine porter is professor of french at state university of new york college at cortland. Freud and fiction sarah kofman translated by sarah wykes polity press r first. French philosopher sarah kofman 19341994 chose the burlington house. Freud and fiction psychoanalysis sigmund freud scribd. The formative years and the great discoveries, 18561900 vol. Sarah kofman 19341994 was a french philosopher, born in paris kofman began her teaching career in toulouse in 1960, and worked with both jean hyppolite and gilles deleuze. The majority have not been translated into english and those that have are expensive, but with titles on kant, nietzsche and freud, you can appreciate their range and seriousness.
Thus one cannot adequately summarize kofmans texts and intellectual positions without invoking her biography. There is, i surmise, a kind of insidious intimacy in these books, as on freuds couch, between author and reader, an unspoken collusion in. One strength of the book is kekess synthesis of a virtue ethic with a form. She argues that freuds declare to offer devoted summaries of those works conceals his personal modifying and distortion of the texts. Buy nietzsche and metaphor by kofman, sarah, large, duncan isbn. Sarah kofman, who teaches philosophy at the sorbonne, is one of frances leading interpreters of freud. Sarah kofman began to write more openly about her family history later in life, especially in her 1987 autobiography, smothered words. For nonfiction books by twentieth century writer sigmund freud. Freud and fiction psychoanalysis sigmund freud free. Towards the end of rue ordener, rue labat 1994, the terse and elegant autobiographical fiction she wrote just before terminating her life, sarah kofman 193494 inserts a brief episode relating her admiration for alfred hitchcocks the lady. This book addresses the question of metaphor in nietzsche. Trauma, body and justice in sarah kofmans autobiography. One of the philosophers in focus at nietzsche was french philosopher sarah kofman 19341994.
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